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Nigerian Labor Unions Commence Nationwide Strike Over Economic Challenges and Fuel Subsidy Removal

Today, the coalition of labor unions in Nigeria has begun a nationwide one-day strike to demonstrate their disapproval of the government's handling of the country's economic challenges and fuel subsidy removal.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was strongly cautioned against suppressing the citizens' right to protest, but he emphasized that there is no intention to repress dissent and assured the people that they have the freedom to express their grievances.

However, the labor coalition emphasized that their actions would have a significant impact on public life and urged citizens in all 36 states to participate in the strike.

Comrade Nasir Kabir, a prominent member of the labor coalition in Nigeria, told BBC Hausa that they are not pleased with the government's stance. He said, "All over the world, no government is immune to protests, but here in Nigeria, it takes only one issue for the government to become jittery, arresting people and labeling them as troublemakers."

He further pointed out that the government should consider engaging in dialogue with the striking unions to find a solution rather than resorting to repression.

He said, "We are aware of all the security arrangements they have made today, so they should allow people to express their frustrations peacefully."

The NLC strike seeks to address several issues, including the hike in fuel prices and the government's decision to remove fuel subsidies.

The key demands of the labor coalition include:

1. pReversal of the hike in fuel prices, as agreed between the government and the labor unions, the legislature, and the TUC.

2. An immediate end to the arrest and persecution of protesters, including those demanding an end to the fuel subsidy removal.

3. The resolution of the worker-farmer crisis in Warri, Kaduna, and Fatakwal.

4. Improved welfare for university staff and students.

The strike has caused significant disruptions across the country, as major sectors and activities have been affected by the industrial action.

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